Oleh Zakhozhai, a representative of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Head of the Department of Information Technology and Programming, Director of the IT Solutions Center, joined the working group to develop proposals for changes to Ukrainian legislation in the field of higher education and participated in its first meeting.
The creation of the working group was initiated by USAID as part of the project “Cybersecurity of Ukraine’s Critical Infrastructure”.
The priority issues on the agenda of the first meeting were
- revision of the concept of the Unified State Qualification Exams, in particular, for the field of study 12 “Information Technology” of the specialty 125 “Cybersecurity”
- development of IT competencies among applicants for IT specialties;
- ways to popularize cybersecurity among applicants and students.
- Following the first meeting, the working group members identified tasks for further elaboration, as well as ways to interact with target stakeholders.