Meeting of the leadership of the Faculty of Agriculture with the management of Kernel

The dean and heads of the departments of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University met with representatives of Kernel and discussed issues of mutually beneficial cooperation. Currently, the company is particularly interested in highly qualified specialists in the specialties of Agronomy and Agroengineering (educational program Agroengineering).

Kernel is Ukraine’s largest grain producer and exporter, a global market leader in sunflower oil production, and a key supplier of agricultural products to the world markets. The company accounts for about 8% of global sunflower oil exports. Kernel supplies its products to more than 70 countries.

During the meeting, the parties discussed further steps of cooperation with the company: students completing a full cycle of practical training, mastering the latest technologies, acquiring practical skills and theoretical knowledge in various specialties, studying in a dual form of higher education, and signing a memorandum of further cooperation.