The scientist presented her projects at an event in Turin

Mariia Shcherbyna, Associate Professor of the Department of Political and Cultural Studies at the Law School, took part in the Just The Woman I Am (JTWIA) event, which has been raising funds for university research in the field of women’s rights, health and cancer since 2014, promoting prevention, healthy lifestyles, inclusivity and gender equality.

JTWIA takes place in the first week of March. Along with the project presentations, a 5-kilometer charity race takes place, open to all. And this year, from March 1-3, scientific organizations and universities presented their projects in the open air, right on Piazza San Carlo in Turin.

Mariia Shcherbyna’s projects are dedicated to the STEM Gap and the archetype of a person who, according to real scientists, can be an ideal example of a person engaged in scientific activity.