Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and the State Archive of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance (SA UINR) concluded a Cooperation Agreement.
Cooperation will consist in the internship of students and teachers in the Archive and internship and advanced training of the Archive staff at the University; student’s trainings in all areas of practical activity of the Archive; organization and implementation of joint scientific and public events; development and implementation of joint scientific projects, including for the purpose of attracting grant funds for scientific, public, and journalistic activities; scientific and expert advice to representatives of the Agreement; accumulation, arrangement and study of the national archival fund of Ukraine by actively involving applicants for higher education, scientific and pedagogical workers and employees of the University in organizing and passing practices, internships, archeographic work in the Archive; information support of joint events and coverage of the results of their activities in the media, their own information sources, etc.

The Agreement was signed by the rector of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Olha Porkuian, and the acting director of the SA UINR, Svitlana Starovoit.