Head of the Center for Gender Culture:
Associate Professor Halyna Tatarenko
- +380501589273
The Center for Gender Culture has been operating at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University since 2019.
The main tasks of the center:
- Implementation of the basics of gender approach in the work of the institution and its structural units;
- Dissemination of gender knowledge at the regional level through the development and implementation of the latest social, pedagogical, informational, educational and training technologies;
- development and promotion of gender-related disciplines in the educational process;
- raising awareness of gender issues among students and pupils;
- studying, improving and disseminating relevant gender technologies and methods to influence the direction and content of the educational process;
- Development of scientific and methodological materials aimed at preventing gender-based violence, gender discrimination and harmonization of gender relations in society;
- conducting scientific research in the field of gender relations, socialization and ways to implement gender equality;
- cooperation with public authorities at the regional and local levels, representative offices of international organizations and foundations, non-governmental and public organizations, and educational institutions.
Main areas of activity:
- Creating conditions for ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, eliminating all forms of discrimination, preventing violence and combating human trafficking through educational and upbringing means;
- conducting awareness-raising activities on gender issues, prevention of violence and combating human trafficking in the society; supporting public and state gender awareness initiatives;
- cooperation with executive authorities and local self-government bodies, social services, educational institutions, enterprises, associations of citizens, other institutions and organizations, and experts on equal rights and opportunities;
- intensification of research work of higher education students and teachers on gender issues; participation in the organization and holding of conferences, congresses, forums, round tables, seminars, competitions, meetings on tender issues; exchange of scientific information;
- organization of scientific research at the level of preparation of bachelor’s, diploma and master’s theses, works for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science in gender issues; review and opposition of research works;
- creating temporary research teams to conduct grant research commissioned by various organizations;
- preparing applications for research funding from various organizations and foundations.
- Festival of Thoughts: “Gender Stereotypes: Myth or Reality?” 2019;
- “Is the process of positioning Luhansk region effective?” 2020, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Estonia in Ukraine;
- With the involvement of student volunteers of the organization, a lecture-training “Gender in the Legal Profession” and a game “Through the Glass Ceiling” were held as part of the All-Ukrainian Law Week;
- Participation in the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Interaction of International and National Law through the Prism of Globalization and Integration” in October 2020;
- Development and distribution of questionnaires to determine access to educational services for people with special educational needs within the Mentoring Program organized by the Center for Democracy and Rule of Law to conduct an advocacy campaign to ensure the rights of people with disabilities;
- Participation in the certified online course “Gender in Plain Language for Communities”;
- Participation in a consultative meeting of representatives of gender centers of higher education institutions and the research community January 2021
- Thematic curatorial hour Presentation of the book by Odesa journalists Oleksandr Halias and Tamara Hladka “From Intimacy to Worldview.
- Developing effective democratic citizenship in students
- Participation in a training on preparing analytical texts as an advocacy tool
- Students defended their reports on the undergraduate practice, which took place at the Center for Gender Culture of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University