е-mail: kuzmina@snu.edu.ua

tel. +380951753651

Deputy Dean for educational and methodological and educative work – Senior Lecturer

Brovender Olena

е-mail: obrovender@snu.edu.ua, brovender@ukr.net

Our contacts

Secretary of the Dean’s Office – Anna Zyhar

Our contacts

е-mail: ukr_mova@snu.edu.ua,

Opening remarks about the Department

The Department is preparing students by two levels of higher education: Bachelor and Master in full-time and part-time forms of studying, by two specialties:

  • 061 Journalism;
  • 014.01 Secondary education (Ukrainian language and literature).

General information about the Department

The Department of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism brought together educational and research schools of philologists and specialists in mass communications of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, owing to its creation on the basis of the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature and the Department of Journalism. The Department carries out preparation of specialists in accordance with the new composition of educational and scientific specialties in educational programs of journalism and secondary education areas.

The department teaches the disciplines of the cycle of Ukrainian language and literature preparation, and methods of its teaching, as well as the cycle of journalism training. Students are prepared for journalistic, publishing, analytical, social, and organizational and managerial activities in the media, and teaching activities in secondary and higher education institutions. Graduates of specialty 061 Journalism will be able to apply their knowledge to work as correspondents, reporters, hosts of television and radio programs, copywriters, editors, chief editors, proofreaders, media and publishing executives, work as heads of press services in institutions and enterprises. Graduates of the specialty 014.01 Secondary Education (Ukrainian Language and Literature) will be able to be referees for language processing, automatically process texts and create their styling, work as teachers and professors of philological disciplines, primarily of Ukrainian language and literature, as well as foreign literature.

Historical background of the Department

The Department of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism was established by rector’s order on 8 August 2016, it has a rich history. It brought together the composition of the departments of Ukrainian language and literature and Journalism of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. Each of the departments had its own story of formation and development.

Specialists training in Secondary education and teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature involve disciplines, including:

Introduction to Linguistics, Modern Ukrainian literary language (Phonetics and Phonology), Ukrainian folklore, Introduction to Literature, History of World literature (from antiquity to modernism), General Pedagogics and History of Pedagogy, Old Ukrainian literature, Modern Ukrainian literary language (Lexicology and Phraseology), History of Ukrainian literature in the first half of the 19th century, Teaching methodology of Ukrainian language in GSE, Teaching methodology of Ukrainian literature in GSE, Modern Ukrainian literary language (Syntax), History of Ukrainian literature of the 20th century, Interactive methods and Innovative technologies in teaching of the Ukrainian language and literature in GSE, Developmental and Education Psychology, Psycholinguistics, History of the Ukrainian Language, Active Reading, Teaching mediation speech, Text Linguistics, Spelling practice, Punctuation practice, Cultural Linguistics, Modern Ukrainian literary language (Stylistics), Theory of Literature (literary movements and styles), Ukrainian Lexicography, Sociolinguistic aspects of the Ukrainian language, Fiction writing for children.

Specialists training in Journalism involve disciplines, including:

Ukrainian language in professional communication, Mass communication and information, Basics of Journalism, Ethical Journalism, Journalism studies, Profession of Journalism, History of Ukrainian Journalism, History of Foreign Journalism, Eristic: Argumentation theory and practice, Spelling and Punctuation, Advertising and Public Relations, Literary Studies, Pencraft, History of Ukrainian literature, Basics of Journalistic Skills, Mass Media Problematics, Oral speech technique in the media, International Journalism, Publishing and Editing.

The Staff of the Department of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism

Scientific work Scientific-research work is carried out by teachers of the Department in the following areas: Ukrainian writer’s memoirs of the 19th century: Discourse of the formation, genre modifications of writer’s journals of the late 20th – early 21st centuries, national foundations for teaching Ukrainian literature in Universities, Methodological aspects of the innovative study of the writer’s biography at school, the Ukrainian language in various contexts of professional communication; Linguodidactic bases for the formation of professional communicative competence of University students; Dynamic processes in the professional Ukrainian language system; Problems of Ukrainian terminology research; Theory and practice of teaching philological disciplines in Higher Schools, Professional language of teacher of philology, East Slavic Studies and general Media literary Studies, the Specifics of socio-political dialogue in the Media and the evolution of communication technologies in Ukraine, Training of Mass communication specialists in a modern research university: theoretical and methodological aspects etc.

Our contacts

е-mail: health@snu.edu.ua,

phone: +38(066)7302809

Head of the Department – Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor

Zavatskyi Yurii Anatoliiovych

Contacts: tel. +380667302809, е-mail: zavackij_ya@snu.edu.ua, zavatski65@gmail.com

Opening remarks about the Department

The Department is preparing students by level of higher education: Bachelor and in full-time form of studying, by two specialties:

  • 227 Physical therapy, occupational therapy (Bachelor);
  • 053 Psychology, educational program “The Physical Rehabilitation Psychology” (Bachelor and Master).

The Department carries out the teaching of Physical Education discipline at all faculties of the university.

General information about the Department

The Department of Human Health and Physical Education brought together educational and research schools of physical rehabilitation and education, human health and sports, owing to its creation on the basis of the Department of Physical Education and the Department of Human Problems and Philosophy of Health.

The Department carries out the preparation of specialists in the following areas: 227 Physical therapy; occupational therapy in the field of education 22 Healthcare.

The Department teaches a large number of disciplines; teaching staff has experience in preparation of specialists in a number of specialties in physical education, sports and human health, as well as physical rehabilitation. The purpose of the Department is to master the methods of health rehabilitation; means of ecological rehabilitation of a human and its habitat; means of formation of system view; expansion of personal training methods both in the field of physical and psychosocial rehabilitation.

Historical background of the Department

The Department of Human Health and Physical Education has a rich and diverse history. It brought together the composition of the departments of Physical Education and Human Problems, as well as Philosophy of Health. Each of these departments had its own decades-long history of formation.

The Disciplines taught by the Department are as follows: Physical Education, Pre-hospital medical care in urgent situations, General Theory of Health, Human anatomy and physiology, Types, theories and technologies of health-improving and recreational motor activity, Diagnosis and monitoring of health level, Hygiene, Physiology of the central nervous system, highest nervous activity and fundamentals of Psychophysiology, Physical therapy and the bases of physical rehabilitation, Medical and Social health basics, Psychovaleology and Psychical regulations of body conditions, Technical means of rehabilitation with the basics of physiotherapy, Teaching methods of the health basics, carrying out educational work to form motivation for healthy lifestyle and conduct health educational work, Fundamentals of a balanced diet, Fundamentals of Neurology and Psychiatry, Massage, Health-saving educational technologies, Fundamentals of Clinical Pathology, Social rehabilitation.

Information about the head of the Department

Zavatskyi Yurii Anatoliiovych is the Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Master of Physical Education and Sports, professor of physical education in higher educational institutions.

He is the executive editor of the professional collection of scientific papers “Theoretical and Applied Problems in Psychology and Social Work”, included in the List of Scientific Publications of Ukraine (Category ‘B’), articles of which are indexed in Google Scholar and IndexCopernicus.

He is the organizer and coordinator of International Conferences: “Current issues of health-saving in the coordinates of modern paradigms.” Author and co-author of 96 scientific papers, of which 1 individual monographs, 11 section of collective monographs, 3 educational and methodical manuals, 55 articles in scientific publications on Psychology (20 of which are in scientometric publications, including 2 articles in scientometric Scopus databases, 1 article in scientometric Web of Science database, 6 articles in international periodicals); publications in collections of materials of scientific and practical conferences. In particular, the monographs “Psychological foundations of the social mobility of the individual in the conditions of socials transformations”; “Psychological foundations for overcoming the consequences of work-related stress”; “Development of the communicative competence of a person in a multicultural habitat of a higher educational institution”; “Formation of individuals styles of managerial activity: social and psychological aspect”; “Social and Psychological foundations of health-saving technologies”; “Communicative competence of future specialists in the medical field”; “Adaptive capacity of the individual; medical and social dimension”; “Social and Psychological features of overcoming personal crises in conditions of temporary disability”; “Social and Psychological components of the development of a gifted individual’; “Psychological foundations of personality development”; “Personal and professional adaptation of socionomic specialists in a problematic society”; “Psychological foundations of planning and predicting the development of personality”; “Psychological foundations of personality professionalization in term of educational cooperation”; “Psychology of professional education”; “ Social and Psychological factors of subjective well-being of a person in the couple’s relationship”; teaching aids “Psychology of Sports”; “Sports medicine and physical rehabilitation in structural and logical schemes”; “Means of physical rehabilitation and medical and social foundations of human health”.

Contacts: +380667302809, e-mail: zavackij_ya@snu.edu.ua / zavatski65@gmail.com

The Staff of the Department of Human Health and Physical Education

Scientific work

The Scientific work of the Department of Human Health and Physical Education covers a broad range of interests in the field of Physical Education, healthy lifestyle and careful treatment to their own health and health of Ukrainian citizens. Scientific-research work is carried out by teachers of the Department in the following areas: Psychosemantic regulation of human functional system, Social and Psychological factors of subjective well-being of a person, Psychological conditions for the social rehabilitation of a person with adaptation disorders, Complex psychophysiological control in the system of long-term training of athletes, Impact of physical activity of different intensity on the metabolic and immune status of athletes, Study of changes in the cardiovascular system and lipid peroxidation during heavy physical activity and their correction.

Our contacts

е-mail: social_rb@snu.edu.ua

phone: +38(066)7232528

Head of the Department – Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine

Zavatska Nataliia Yevhenivna

Contacts: tel. +380667232528, е-mail: zavadska@snu.edu.ua, n.e.zavadska@gmail.com

Opening remarks about the Department

The Department is preparing students by two levels of higher education: Bachelor and Master in full-time and part-time forms of studying, by two specialties:

  • 053 Psychology: Educational programs “Practical Psychology”, “Psychology of Social Work” (Bachelor and Master);
  • 231 Social Work (Bachelor and Master);
  • 232 Social Security (Master);
  • 073 Management: Educational program “Management of Social Institutions” (Master);
  • 053 Psychology (Postgraduate and Doctoral studies).

General information about the Department

The Department of Practical Psychology and Social Work brought together educational and research schools of social psychology, management and administration, as well as social security, owing to its creation on the basis of the Department of Social and Practical Psychology and Social Security and Management.

The Department carries out the preparation of specialists in the following areas: 05 Social and Behavioral Sciences (Psychology), 23 Social Work, Social Security, 07 Management and Administration (Management). The Department teaches a large number of disciplines; teaching staff has experience in preparation of specialists in a number of Social and Psychological, Economic and Management specialties. The purpose of the Department is to provide future specialists skills to ensure practical psychological, management activities, efficient social assistance and to carry out effective social work.

Historical background of the Department

The Department of Practical Psychology and Social Work was established by rector’s order on 8 August 2016, it has a rich and diverse history. It brought together the composition of the departments of Social and Practical Psychology as well as Management of Social Security. Each of these departments had its own decades-long history of formation.

The Disciplines taught by the Department are as follows:

Psychology of Business Communication, Psychology of personality growth and maturity, Psychological Counseling, Psychological Correction, Psychotherapeutic Methods, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, Psychodiagnostics, Clinical and Pathological psychology, Engineering and Labor Psychology, Workplace Psychology, Psychology of Organizations, Bases of professional pedagogical activity, Social Security system of Ukraine, Social Work practice. Applied methods of Social Work, Theory of Social Work, Prevention and settlement of difficulties in social and labor relations, Social Audit and Inspection, Management System of Social services, Methods and organization of Social studies, History of Social Work, Professional document Management, Social work with various groups of clients, Methods of Social benefits calculations, Social counseling and rehabilitation, Methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis in the Social sector, Management and administration of Social Institutions, Human Resource Management in Social Institutions, Diagnosis of social relations in the group.

Information about the head of the Department

Zavatska Nataliia Yevhenivna is the Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine. She established the scientific school “Socio-cultural and Psychological aspects of individual adaptation in the conditions of transformational changes in modern society”, creation of which is acknowledged by the domestic and world scientific community.

She has made a significant contribution to the preparation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff. Under her supervision, 15 Doctoral theses and 67 Master’s theses were defended successfully.

She heads the specialized Academic Council of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University with the right to consider and conduct defenses of doctoral and master’s theses in the specialty 19.00.05 (Social Psychology; Psychology of Social Work).

 She is the executive editor of the professional collection of scientific papers “Theoretical and Applied Problems in Psychology and Social Work”, included in the List of Scientific Publications of Ukraine (Category ‘B’), articles of which are indexed in Google Scholar and IndexCopernicus.

Zavatska is a multiple winner of the contest “The Scientist of the Year of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University” according to the results of scientific activity of the academic staff of the university and the contest “Best in the Profession”. She is a coordinator of annual international conferences and all-Ukrainian seminars: “Modern problems of the Humanities and Practice: philosophical, psychological and social dimension for young scientists, graduate students and students”; “Current issues of Social and Practical Psychology in the coordinates of modern paradigms”; “Theory and Practice of Psychological Assistance: modern dimensions”.

She is an author of more than 420 scientific papers, including 40 monographs, 7 textbooks on Psychology, Pedagogy, Theory and Psychology of Management.

Contacts: +380667232528, e-mail: zavadska@snu.edu.ua / n_zavatska@ukr.net

The Staff of the Department of Practical Psychology and Social Work

Scientific work

The Scientific work of the Department of Practical Psychology and Social Work covers a broad range of interests in the field of Social Psychology, Psychology of Social Work, Organization and Management of Enterprises, Theory and Methodology of education management. Scientific-research work is carried out by teachers of the Department in the following areas: Socio-Psychological factors in the formation of the Institutional culture of the enterprise and the individual, the functional competence of the head in the formation of the management team, careers counseling in the system of “general educational institution – higher educational institution”, Development and implementation of modern psychotechnologies to increase the adaptive capacity-building of the individual, formation of Social Management system for a modern enterprise and reduction of financial and investment risks in the foreign economic activity of enterprises.

Emphasis is directed towards globalization world processes, their influence on the development of the enterprise and the individual, and their consideration in determining the leading directions for the development of an independent state.