Dean of the Faculty
PhD in Law, Professor
Olena Arsentieva
- arsenteva@snu.edu.ua
- +380665595339
Deputy Dean – Candidate of Law, Professor Kotova Liubov
Contacts: tel. +380665595339, e-mail: kotova@snu.edu.ua
Secretariat of the dean’s office:
Yaroslava Ryazantseva – secretary of the dean’s office, methodologist of the full-time department
Contacts: tel. +380665595339, e-mail: riazanceva@snu.edu.ua
Head of the Department – Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine
Borys Rozovskyi
Contacts: tel. +380665595339, е-mail: rozovskij@snu.edu.ua, pravoved@snu.edu.ua
Introductory word about the department
The department conducts training for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in full-time and part-time (distance) forms of education in the specialty 081 “Law”
General information about the department
The Department of Jurisprudence is a graduating department in the specialty 081 “Law”.
The department trains specialists in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, the Law of Ukraine “On Education”, the Regulations on the Department of Jurisprudence, the List of educational and scientific specialties in the educational program in the specialty 081 “Law”.
The Department of Jurisprudence provides teaching of disciplines that contribute to the formation of basic legal knowledge, free orientation in current legislation, the ability to apply legislation in practice, interpret and apply the rules of law, legally competently qualify the facts of violation of the law, etc. Currently, the department trains graduates at three educational levels: first (bachelor’s), second (master’s), third (educational and scientific).
History of the Department
The Department of Jurisprudence was established by the order of the Rector of the Voroshilovgrad Machine-Building Institute from 20.10.1989 № 143 with the name “Soviet Law”. By the order of the rector of VMI from 10.09.1991. No. 242-04 the department was renamed and received the name “Jurisprudence”. The training of specialists in the field of “Jurisprudence” at the Volodymyr Dahl National University was started in 1992. Initially, the training was conducted on the basis of the Department of Jurisprudence as part of the Faculty of Humanities. In 1997, an independent Faculty of Law was established. On June 26, 2012, by the order of the university №11 “On measures to improve management, optimize the structure of the university and reduce the cost of its maintenance” the Faculty of Law was transformed into the Institute of Jurisprudence and International Law. On October 21, 2015, according to the order №160/02 “On Structural Changes and Measures to Improve University Management”, the Institute was renamed into the Faculty of Law.
Information about the Head of the Department
Borys Rozovskyi, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Member of the Specialized Academic Council of the Institute of Economic and Legal Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv), Editor-in-Chief of the collection of scientific works “Actual Problems of Law: Theory and Practice”, included in the scientometric database Index Copernicus (Poland).
In 1968 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Juridical Sciences in the specialty 12.00.09 – criminal procedure, criminalistics. In 1985, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Law in the specialty 12.00.06 – land law; agrarian law; environmental law; natural resource law (diploma number JR №000398).
The academic title of Professor at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology was awarded in 1997. The number of the certificate is PRAR №001655.
Senior Researcher of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (Associate Professor) in the specialty of commercial law. In 1993 was awarded the title of Honored Lawyer of Ukraine.
Experience in teaching at universities for 30 years, including 12 years at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.
He has published more than 250 scientific works, including 25 monographs, 10 manuals, 5 textbooks. The main areas of scientific activity of Professor Rozovsky B.G. are criminal law, criminal procedure, information support for the detection and investigation of crimes. He participated in the development of draft laws of Ukraine, making changes and additions to them. The subject of scientific research – topical issues of development of Ukrainian legislation at the present stage. He heads the scientific school “Counteraction to economic crimes”, “Legal stimulation of rational nature management”, “Information support of detection and investigation of crimes”. Under his supervision 10 dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Law were defended.
He was awarded the Order of Ukraine “For Merits” of the III degree (2003), the Certificate of Honor of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “For Merits to the Ukrainian People” (2003), the Certificate of Honor of the President of Ukraine (2000), 6 medals of the USSR, the winner of the III All-Ukrainian competition “For the best professional achievements”, the lawyer of the year in the nomination “Lawyer – organizer of legal science” (2002), the winner of the Prize of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR named after D.Z. Manuilsky (1991), Laureate of the Prize of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “For the Development of Science, Technology and Education” of the first degree, Acknowledgement of the Luhansk Regional State Administration (2017)
Scientific work
The Department of Jurisprudence has significant scientific achievements, conducts research and innovation activities, ensures the integration of education and science with production, participates in the implementation of international projects and programs. The scientific work of the department is aimed at creating conditions for the intensification of the scientific potential of teachers and scientists of the department in order to train qualified lawyers and was held within the framework of the departmental state budget themes “Actual problems of law on the integration of Ukraine into international standards” and “Problems of development of domestic legislation and implementation of international and European law in Ukraine”.
Since 2000, the Department of Jurisprudence has been publishing a scientific professional edition – a collection of scientific works “Actual Problems of Law: Theory and Practice”, which in 2013 was included in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus.
Teachers of the Department of Jurisprudence actively implement the principle of academic mobility, training in foreign educational institutions and scientific organizations. The Department of Law actively cooperates with institutions and organizations of Luhansk region on the basis of agreements and memorandums: Main Territorial Department of Justice in Luhansk region, Rubizhne City Court of Luhansk region, Court of Appeal of Luhansk region, Luhansk State Scientific Research Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Main Department of the National Police in Luhansk region, Sievierodonetsk Local Center for Free Secondary Legal Aid, Norwegian Refugee Council, etc.
Subdivisions of the Department
- Branch at the Main Department of the National Police in Luhansk region.
- Legal laboratory of clinical teaching methods “Pro bono” (Legal Clinic).
- Criminalistics laboratory.
Tel.: +380950524968
The branch of the Department of Jurisprudence has been functioning at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University since 2019.
It was established in accordance with the order of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University No. 140/24 of 14.09.2015.
The main tasks of the branch:
- in educational activities:
- conducting classroom classes in the disciplines of the cycle of professional and practical training (lectures, laboratory, seminars), conducting current and final control with the participation of leading specialists of the institution;
- management of educational, industrial practices, including pre-diploma practices;
- introduction of progressive methods and modern information technologies of training;
- organization of course and diploma design;
- organization and conduct of graduate certification, ensuring the effective work of examination commissions;
- conducting internships, advanced training of university teachers.
- in methodical work:
- involvement of leading specialists of the institution in the development of educational programs in the specialty “Law” of different levels of higher education, development, updating of curricula in the relevant specialty and their coordination;
- involvement of leading specialists of the institution in the development of methodological support of disciplines: development, improvement of work programs of disciplines, involvement in writing textbooks, manuals, lecture texts, participation in the creation of methodological materials for practical, laboratory and seminar classes in production conditions, production, pre-diploma practices, development of tasks of current and final control, assessment of knowledge, practical skills and abilities of higher education students;
- development of course and diploma design topics;
- participation of leading specialists of the institution in educational and methodological conferences, meetings, meetings of the scientific and methodological council of the university, faculty, department meetings.
- in scientific and innovative activities:
- conducting scientific and scientific-practical research in priority areas of science, topical problems of the relevant field and wide implementation of the results obtained;
- promotion of scientific knowledge by attracting leading specialists of the institution to participate in scientific seminars, conferences, exhibitions, work in scientific societies, publications in scientific periodicals;
- implementation of development results in production and in the educational process. Verification and experimental implementation of research scientific developments;
- organizational support for the preparation and publication of publications (monographs, dictionaries, reference books, standards, scientific journals, articles, reports, etc;)
- organization, holding and participation in scientific seminars, conferences, exhibitions;
- creation of conditions for the involvement of higher education students in scientific work (management of higher education students participating in: R&D, scientific circles, scientific conferences, seminars).
Head of the Department – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Tatarenko Halyna
Contacts: tel. +380501589273; е-mail: tatarenko@snu.edu.ua
Deputy Head of the Department – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Denysenko Halyna
Contacts: tel. +380991540388, е-mail: denisenko@snu.edu.ua
Our mail: kpr@snu.edu.ua
Introductory word about the department
The Department of Constitutional Law is a structural subdivision of the Faculty of Law of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. The Department was established in accordance with the order of the Rector of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University dated 21.10.2015 № 160/02 and operates on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine, University Statute, Regulations on the Department and other regulations on higher education.
General information about the department
The Department of Constitutional Law provides teaching of the leading legal disciplines that contribute to the formation of fundamental legal knowledge related to the assimilation of the basics of the legal status of man and citizen, the mechanism of state authorities and interaction between them, the content of the administrative activities of executive bodies, the peculiarities of foreign constitutionalism, the specifics of public administration in certain sectors and areas of state building. Currently, the department serves the following specialties: 081 Law; 281 Public Management and Administration, 291 International Relations. The department has developed working curricula, thematic plans, plans of seminars, topics of course works, plans of internships for the teaching staff of the department. Relevant textbooks, lecture courses and teaching materials have been developed for all disciplines taught by the Department. The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department provides training of students at non-core institutes of the university, according to the program of the second legal higher education.
History of the Department
In 2001, the Department of Archival Studies was established at the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, one of the few in Ukraine that began training specialized specialists. The Department was headed by Ihor Volodymyrovych Dovzhuk – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Historical Sciences, Honorary Ethnographer of Ukraine. The first enrollment in the specialty “Archival Studies” took place in 1994 with the direct participation of historian and archivist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Vitalii Feodosiiovych Lytvynenko (1937-2011), but in the conditions of a separately created department, the training of students in this specialty reached a new qualitative level.
In 2002, a branch of the department was opened at the State Archives of Luhansk region, which became the main base for students to practice and where they work with the funds of the archive for writing term papers, diploma and other scientific works. In order to improve the quality of the educational process and scientific activity of the department in June 2005, a branch of the Department of History of Ukraine of the XIX – early XX centuries of the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (headed by Professor Dovzhuk I.V.) was opened on the basis of the Department of Archival Studies, where consultations of masters, postgraduate students and doctoral students are held. In order to further integrate the university and the scientific academic institution, in May 2010, a branch of the Department of Archival Studies was opened at the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (headed by Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine O.P. Reent). According to the order of the Rector of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University dated 21.10.2015 № 160/02 the Department of Constitutional Law and Archival Studies was renamed into the Department of Constitutional Law.
Information about the head of the department
Tatarenko Halyna – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor. She defended her dissertation at the meeting of the Specialized Academic Council K 29.051.10 at the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Luhansk) in the specialty 12.00.05 – Labor Law; Social Security Law on the topic “Contractual Regulation of Pension Provision in Ukraine”.
From 2010 to 2015 – Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence, Faculty of Law, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. From October 2015 to the present – Head of the Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Sievierodonetsk.
Scientific work: 74 publications, including 39 of scientific nature, including three monographs and 52 of educational and methodological nature. Teaches the following disciplines of the Department of Constitutional Law: Public International Law, Private International Law, Judicial and Law Enforcement Bodies, History of State and Law, Legal Management, Comparative Administrative Law.
Contacts: tel. +380501589273; е-mail: gosik1@ukr.net; tatarenko@pravo-snu.lg.ua
Scientific work
The scientific activity of the department covers a wide range of scientific research: formation and development of Ukrainian constitutionalism; constitutional and procedural relations; legal status of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine; constitutional and legal status of man and citizen; problems of interpretation of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine; issues of citizenship, status of political parties, mass media, problems of political activity of citizens; territorial structure of Ukraine; issues of electoral law and legislation; legal status of the
Teachers of the Department annually participate in international and national scientific and practical conferences, seminars and round tables. The Department of Constitutional Law annually holds the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference of Postgraduate Students, Students, Young Scientists “Youth and Science: Current Status, Problems and Prospects for the Development of Law in Ukraine” (jointly with the Department of Jurisprudence) and the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Constitutional and Legal Principles of Administrative Reform in Ukraine” (jointly with the Luhansk Regional State Administration).
Provides training in the following specialties: 052 “Political Science”, 022 “Design” (specialization 022.01 Graphic Design), 029 “Information, Library and Archival Affairs”, 034 “Cultural Studies”
052 “Political Science” is aimed at forming a specialist capable of solving specialized tasks and practical problems in the socio-political sphere, a specialist in providing professional services (expert-analytical, consulting) related to political and power relations.
022 “Design” (specialization 022.01 Graphic Design) is aimed at a harmonious combination of theoretical and practical components of training a graphic design specialist, with an emphasis on understanding graphic design as a means of creating a system of modern visual communications (web design, advertising design, visual style of the enterprise), takes into account the specifics of organizations, institutions and enterprises, and focuses on the implementation of projects for a real customer. A special emphasis is placed on the practical training of applicants through a cycle of internships (plein air practice, industrial practice at enterprises). The program directs students and teachers to participate and train in the structure of the National Creative and Project Foundations, present their creative works in the framework of international and national competitions.
029 “Information, Library and Archival Affairs” is aimed at professional training of specialists in the field of information, library and archival affairs, capable of solving various technological, managerial, organizational tasks, performing information support and service of information consumers in production, science and management, implementing and operating information systems, carrying out reference and information-analytical activities in enterprises, organizations and institutions of any form of ownership.
034 “Cultural Studies” is a modern integrative humanitarian specialty located at the intersection of such fields of knowledge as philosophy, philology, art history, political science, sociology, religious studies, etc. Specialists in this specialty are engaged in research, design, forecasting, and regulation of current cultural processes of modern society. Cultural studies graduates are employed for analytical, research, and consulting work in theaters, museums, and philharmonic societies, work as curators of social and cultural projects, work in the media, the tourism industry, and teach at universities.
Head of the Department – Doctor of Law, Professor, Honorary Professor of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
Shapovalova Olga
Contacts: tel. +380981050848, е-mail: shapovalova@snu.edu.ua, hozpravo2@i.ua
Deputy Head of the Department – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Martynova Lilia
Contacts: е-mail: martinova@snu.edu.ua
Secretariat of the department
Voronko Olga
Contacts: е-mail: voronko@snu.edu.ua
Our mail:
Contacts: tel. +380981050848, е-mail: hozpravo@snu.edu.ua
Introductory word about the department
The Department of Economic Law is one of the leading structural subdivisions of the Faculty of Law, which provides training for applicants for higher education of full-time and part-time (distance) forms of education in most organizational units of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. In particular, the Faculty of Law itself, the Faculty of Economics and Management, the Faculty of International Relations, the Faculty of Transport and Construction, the Faculty of Humanities, Psychology and Pedagogy, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Information Technology and Electronics, the Center for Educational Improvement.
General information about the department
The establishment and functioning of the Department of Economic Law is due to the need to train highly qualified specialists of both legal and non-legal profiles in the field of legal regulation of economic and environmental relations. In particular, international economic law, investment and innovation law, financial and tax law, environmental law, customs and transport law, commercial law, legal regulation of tourism activities, etc. In order to improve the quality of teaching of these legal disciplines, ties with the economic courts of Ukraine and law enforcement agencies that ensure the observance of the law in the field of economic activity are being strengthened. Cooperation is also being established with the authorities and management bodies vested with economic competence, as well as with research institutes of the Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine.
The mission of the department is to provide high scientific, theoretical and practical educational and qualification training, retraining and advanced training of applicants for higher education of legal and non-legal profiles in the field of legal regulation of economic and environmental relations. At the same time, an innovative approach to their training is applied, focused on international and European standards. Thanks to this, future highly qualified specialists acquire the skills of free thinking and self-organization in modern economic conditions, which allows them to be competitive in the modern labor market, having legal and social mobility and achieve high results in the professional environment. The social expediency of the functioning of the Department of Economic Law is determined by the need to form a legal economic order in Ukraine, the development of entrepreneurial activity and its legal support, as well as providing our country with highly qualified professional staff.
Information about the head of the department
Shapovalova Olga, Doctor of Law, Professor, recognized professional with practical experience in the specialty, researcher at the Research Institute of Legal Support of Innovative Development of the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine (Kharkiv).
In 2007 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Law in the specialty 12.00.04 – Economic Law, Economic Procedure Law (diploma number – DD №006518). The topic of the doctoral dissertation: “Adaptation of economic legislation to the requirements of sustainable development”.
The academic title of Professor of the Department of Economic Law was awarded in 2008 (certificate number – 12PR №005768).
In 2018, he was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (diploma number – PPP №5/18).
As of the beginning of 2022, his scientific and pedagogical experience is 36 years. As of the beginning of 2022, he has been the Head of the Department for 15 years.
Author of 8 monographs (some of them – in co-authorship), textbook “Concession Law”, 3 textbooks (in co-authorship), in particular “Innovation Law” and “Commercial Law in the Digitalization of the Economy”, 2 scientific and practical comments on the Commercial Code of Ukraine and more than 200 scientific publications.
Member of the specialized academic councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations of the V.K. Mamutov Institute of Economic and Legal Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv), National Law Academy named after Yaroslav the Wise (Kharkiv).
Professor Shapovalova O.V. has significant achievements in the training of scientific personnel. She has prepared 11 candidates of legal sciences. The examination of 36 dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Law was carried out, in particular the number of doctoral dissertations – 5, the number of candidate dissertations – 31.
Equally important merits of Professor Shapovalova O.V. are participation in the editorial board of the scientific publication “Problems of Law Understanding and Law Enforcement”, Minsk, Republic of Belarus (published 2 times a year), participation in the editorial board of the collection of scientific works “Actual Problems of Law: Theory and Practice”, Sievierodonetsk, Ukraine. Sievierodonetsk, Ukraine (published 2 times a year), as well as scientific and scientific-technical cooperation with a foreign organization – the Department of Advocacy of the Educational Institution of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus “International University “MITSO”, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
Since 2018, Professor Shapovalova O.V. has been participating in the EU PRAVO-Justice Project (Partner Institutions: French Agency for International Technical Assistance (Expertise France), Paris; Supreme Court, SJAU, HQCJU, Judicial Reform Council, Ministry of Justice and other state authorities of Ukraine, Kyiv). Topic of cooperation: Management of justice sector reform, development of information tools and infrastructure solutions for justice sector institutions with a special focus on programming electronic document management, electronic trust services and digital identification; improvement of state registration services for property and legal entities, development of new registers; development of electronic tools to facilitate the search for decisions of the Supreme Court; promotion of standardization and automation of business processes in the executive and probation services, etc. Since 2020, he has been a member of the management of the Donbas Regional Council for Justice Reforms. The main directions of scientific activity of Professor Shapovalova O.V.: legal support of digitalization of modern business processes; adaptation of national legislation to the requirements of sustainable development; problems of commercial law and commercial procedural law.
Contacts: tel. +380981050848, е-mail: shapovalova@snu.edu.ua, hozpravo2@i.ua
Scientific work
The leading goal of the Department of Economic Law is to intensify the scientific and research activities of the Department and deepen its interaction with the educational process in order to train a new generation of highly qualified specialists in the fields of jurisprudence and economics, to carry out competitive scientific developments, to carry out innovative activities in market conditions, taking into account the goals and objectives of the national economy in the context of sustainable development.
The staff of the Department of Economic Law is trying to work on improving its professional level, which is one of the central elements of the strategy and tactics of improving the organization and content of higher education, eliminating economic and structural disproportions in the levels of educational and professional training. Teachers of the Department of Business Law are constantly improving their business reputation and professional qualifications:
– in 2020, Associate Professor Martynova L.V. completed an international internship on “International projects: writing, applying, managing and reporting” (Slovakia, Catholic University in Rumberoz; Poland, University of Social Sciences (UNS) in Lodz. Lodz in cooperation with the Central European Academy Studies and Certifications (CEASC) Foundation) and advanced training courses conducted within the framework of the Council of Europe Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) Program (Ukraine);
– in 2021, Associate Professor Tereshchenko S.V. completed an international internship on “Internationalization of Educational Institutions: International Projects and Partnerships” (Slovakia, Central European Academy of Training and Certification (CEASC), Poland-Ukraine in cooperation with Uczelnia Nauk Spolecznych (UNS), Lodz, Poland and Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Slovakia).
Also, the teachers of the department take an active part in scientific and practical conferences and round tables, departmental and interdepartmental scientific seminars, international symposia and other international mobility programs for scientific and pedagogical workers to fulfill priority tasks of internationalization, etc.
Scientific articles of the teachers of the department are published on the pages of authoritative domestic and foreign professional publications:
– Professor Shapovalova O.V.: SCOPUS;
– Associate Professor Martynova L.V.: Web of Science.
The topics of publications are focused on topical issues of modern development of legal science, practice and education.
Every year the Department of Economic Law holds an all-Ukrainian educational and scientific event – a round table on the most pressing issues of our time: “Legal support for the active life of internally displaced persons”, “Legal conditions for changing the status of citizens as a result of the “hybrid war” in Ukraine”, “Digitalization of modern business processes as a vector of new economic policy” and others. Leading scientists and practitioners are involved in the round tables. Lively discussions are held on the assessment of modern problems of substantiating the directions of ensuring a balanced development of law and economy, discussions and justification of the need for further modernization of economic, labor and other legislation in modern conditions, etc.
The department has carried out research on state budget research topics: “Peculiarities of legal support for the implementation of public-private partnership”, “Improvement of economic legislation of Ukraine”, “Analytical and legal principles of combating the shadow economy and inefficient management”, “Problems of legal influence on economic relations and economic activity”. Since 01.01.2021, the department has started working on a state budget research topic: “Conceptual foundations of sustainable economic development in the context of its digitalization”.
The Department of Commercial Law maintains close ties with colleagues, universities and departments of law faculties, research institutes of Ukraine, Georgia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Moldova. International relations of the Department of Economic Law with educational institutions and organizations of other countries are characterized by two directions: 1) training of specialists for foreign countries; 2) cooperation with foreign higher educational institutions: Republic of Belarus – International University “MITSO” (Minsk), Republic of Latvia – Baltic International Academy (Riga), Republic of Moldova – Free International University of Moldova (Chisinau), Georgia – Sukhumi State University (Tbilisi).
From 2009 to 2014, the Department concluded with business entities and executed a number of economic contracts for research works under the numbers Y-01-09, Y-1-10, Y-2-10, Y-1-12, Y-2-12. “Methods of organization of legal work at the enterprise” (state registration number 01090009030); “Legal methods of minimization of economic risks of entrepreneurs in public-private partnership” (state registration number 0111U000043); “Legal protection of interests of non-state economic entities in public-private partnership” (state registration number 0111U000044); “Legal measures of introduction of energy-saving technologies at metallurgical enterprises” (state registration number 0112U002894), “Features of the legal regime of economic partnership” (state registration number 0112U002894).
The Department of Economic Law trains postgraduate students in the specialty 12.00.04 “Economic Law; Economic Procedural Law”. During the years of development of the department, doctoral and candidate dissertations were prepared and defended (1 doctoral, 15 candidate dissertations). The researched problems are diverse and very relevant: O.A. Volovyk – “Economic and legal support of corporate interests” (2005), O.V. Shapovalova – “Adaptation of sustainable development requirements to economic legislation” (2007), D.V. Shlykov – “Legal nature of property lease as a form of public-private partnership” (2010), E.A. Talykov – “Legal nature of property lease as a form of public-private partnership” (2010). ), E.A. Talykin – “Precautionary measures in economic proceedings” (2010), G.M. Gritsenko – “Legal regulation of capital construction for public funds” (2011), D.S. Shcheglov – “Economic and legal means of preventing fictitious business” (2011). ), O.D. Syrotyuk – “Economic and legal principles of public-private partnership” (2011), O.S. Fonova – “Simplified procedural forms: adaptation of economic proceedings of Ukraine” (2012), S.V. Tereshchenko – “Contractual mechanism for the implementation of public-private partnership” (2012). ), T.S. Gudima – “Legal regulation of venture investment activities” (2015), S.V. Solodchenko – “Legal support for the implementation of control functions of business entities” (2019), etc.
Acting Head of the Department – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Olena Sapytska
Contacts: tel. +380664838802, e-mail: sapytska@snu.edu.ua
Our mail:
Laboratory assistant of the department – Daniil Skakun
Contacts: tel. +380669037761, e-mail: skakun@snu.edu.ua
Our page in Facebook:
Introductory word about the department
The department is a graduate department and provides preparation for I-III levels of higher education in the specialty 032 “History and Archeology”, and for II level in the specialty 014.03 “Secondary Education (History)”, as well as at the third (educational and scientific) level of the Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty 032 “History and Archaeology”.
General information about the department
The Department of History and Archaeology declares a combination of the principles of academic history with public history and an interdisciplinary approach and digital technologies, which is a global educational trend.
The department teaches about 50 disciplines of general historical and specialized profile, taking into account the specifics of research work, which provides comprehensive professional training of highly qualified specialists in the field of history who gain a systematic understanding of the historical process.
Within the framework of the department’s educational programs, from the first year of the first year of study and above, English language and digital technologies are integrated into the disciplines of professional training. Field archaeological practice in the 1st and 2nd years of the first cycle of the bachelor’s degree is a mandatory component of the training of specialists in history and archaeology.

Head of the Legal Clinic “Pro Bono”:
Associate Professor
Halyna Kaplina
- pro.bono.snu@ukr.net
- channel on Telegram: https://t.me/probono_dahl
The Legal Clinic is a structural subdivision of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, has been functioning since 2005 at the Faculty of Law according to the order № 34 of 01.12.2005, is the basis for practical training and conducting internships for applicants for higher education specialty 081 “Law”.
The legal clinic is a unique laboratory of clinical methods of education, where students-consultants acquire practical skills and abilities, in particular: collecting information, analyzing legal problems, building legal arguments; drafting legal documents; advising on legal issues, in particular, possible ways to protect the rights and interests of clients (low-income, internally displaced and victims of armed conflict in the East of Ukraine, etc.
In accordance with the requirements of today and the reform of legal education, further development of legal education is aimed at training a lawyer in accordance with its fundamental role – the establishment of the rule of law through the protection of human rights and freedoms. Thus, the legal clinic carries out, in addition to the social function, an educational function, which consists in focusing on the practical direction of training, the formation of legal clinic participants who have mastered specific professional skills, do not require additional adaptation to professional activities. Legal clinics are a university movement of teachers and students who daily, strengthening their own knowledge, help vulnerable categories of society to receive quality free legal aid. This movement is based on the civic position of teachers and their enthusiasm, which is not unlimited. Legal clinics are in dire need of regulatory consolidation as structural units of universities – this will solve the issue of attracting teachers and significantly improve the quality of teaching and providing legal services to clients. Today, the Ministry of Education and Science expresses its support and interest in the revival of the legal clinical movement, and the public sector, international organizations, and most importantly – Ukrainian society – hope for this.
Stepanova Anna
– student head of the Legal Clinic “Pro Bono”
– contact information – tel. +38 098 880 60 36, e-mail: pro.bono@pravo-snu.lg.ua
Al-Rubaye Olena
– administrator of the legal clinic “Pro Bono”
– contact information – tel. +38 099 060 12 47, e-mail: pro.bono@pravo-snu.lg.ua
Gurkina Valeria
– administrator of the legal clinic “Pro Bono”
– contact information – tel. +38 099 060 12 47, e-mail: pro.bono@pravo-snu.lg.ua
The purpose of the legal clinic is, in particular, to provide free primary legal aid.
The activity of the legal clinic is based on the principles of:
– rule of law; legality; objectivity; humanism;
– free legal aid;
– confidentiality;
– competence and good faith in the performance of their duties by student consultants; – academic autonomy and mobility.
The main objectives of the Legal Laboratory of Clinical Teaching Methods “PRO BONO” are
– acquisition of practical skills of the legal profession by students;
– creation of places for students to pass educational and other types of practice;
– providing legal assistance to clients of the legal clinic;
– conducting events on legal education of the population.
– expanding cooperation of higher educational institutions that train lawyers with judicial, law enforcement agencies, justice authorities, state authorities and local self-government, with other institutions and organizations;
– ensuring the possibility of communication of students during the educational process with practitioners of judicial and law enforcement agencies, other state bodies and local self-government bodies on their activities;
– creating an effective mechanism for information exchange between the public, the media and the legal clinic, which allows to respond quickly to the practical needs of citizens;
Participation in events:
– Legal laboratory of clinical teaching methods “PRO BONO” is a regular co-organizer of scientific events and conferences such as:
– All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Interaction of international and national law through the prism of globalization and integration”;
– All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Scientific view of youth: key issues of the current stage of reforming the system of national legislation”;
– Scientific and practical conference of scientists, lawyers and graduate students “Legal means of ensuring and protecting human rights: domestic and foreign experience”.
Students – clinicians are actively engaged in scientific research, investigate issues of further development of legal science in the context of intensification of European aspirations in Ukraine and activation of civil society.
Industrial practice is a mandatory part of professional training and an integral part of the educational process in higher education. It is designed to ensure the consolidation of theoretical knowledge and the acquisition of professional skills and abilities by students, to adapt them to future work in the specialty. Therefore, the legal clinic serves as a base for students’ internships. Thus, for several years in a row, students of the 3rd and 4th courses of the Bachelor’s degree, as well as the 1st and 2nd courses of the Master’s degree have been practicing on the basis of the clinic. Practitioners consider citizens’ appeals, including electronic ones, provide legal advice, take online courses and webinars that help to improve their professional knowledge.
The Association of Legal Clinics of Ukraine always creates new opportunities for students and develops legal education through interesting training and competitions for future lawyers.
Students – consultants of Legal Clinic – Savochka Kateryna and Vynnyk Oksana were able to test their knowledge in the field of law and improve their skills in legal practice during the Tournament on advising clients on financial issues. The tournament was held in Irpin on October 17 at the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. It was a unique event, as it was a simulation of the process of receiving a client in a law office with the participation of two student consultants (participants of the legal clinic) acting as lawyers (attorneys, legal advisers, practicing lawyers) and a client, whose role was played by invited actors. The consulting tournament, as well as other similar competitions, is designed to develop in law students the skills of interviewing a client, professional ethics, planning and analysis in the process of building relationships, the ability to provide primary advice at the level of “lawyer-client” during the reception in a law office. Clinicians adequately represented our clinic in solving practical legal cases and advising clients. The event was supported by the United States Agency for International Development under a grant provided by the USAID Financial Sector Transformation Project.
Radio Pulse of Luhansk region: we talk about the benefits of remote legal advice under quarantine
The guests of the studio were Viktoriia Hnidenko, administrator of the Pro Bono Legal Clinic of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, and Karyna Starodubtseva, a student-consultant of the clinic.
Simple counseling is not enough for us.
Therefore, the legal clinic is constantly looking for new approaches, methods and forms of work. Thus, the legal clinic became a member of the Project “Consultations of legal clinics for consumers of financial services”, which was implemented by the Association of Legal Clinics of Ukraine. Practical cases on consulting on financial issues allowed clinicians to gain the necessary experience that will be useful in further legal activities.
Now, if you are not sure how to pay a loan or make other payment transactions during the quarantine period; you are worried about how not to become a “victim” of financial fraud – you can remotely contact a legal clinic and get free legal aid.
The project was supported by the United States Agency for International Development under a grant provided by the USAID Financial Sector Transformation Project.
“Consul-touch”: as a new method of improving professional knowledge and skills.
Legal clinic “Pro Bono” conducts training for students-consultants in the format of model counseling “Consul-touch”. What is it? Administrators of the legal clinic “Pro Bono” simulate the reception of a client in a legal clinic, clinicians closely monitor this procedure, students have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss unclear moments of counseling, try themselves as a consultant in an unusual situation, for example, when the client is in a stressful state and needs non-standard counseling, so in such a situation the consultant must have special knowledge, which they learn during such events. This is definitely an effective way to understand the basic principles of providing free primary legal aid, the peculiarities of working with clients, and the business ethics of the consultant.
Participation in the National Olympics of Legal Clinics on Client Counseling 2019.
In the city of Ostroh. Ostroh, on the basis of the National University of Ostroh Academy, the National Olympiad of Legal Clinics in Client Counseling was held, where our legal clinic was represented by consultants Anastasiia Zolkina and Erika Chygrynova. The event was organized by the Association of Legal Clinics of Ukraine. During the event, the participants simulated the process of receiving a client in a law office – two students-consultants who played the role of lawyers (attorneys, legal advisers, legal practitioners) and a client, whose role was played by an invited actor. The participants were evaluated by the jury. The peculiarity of the Olympiad was that it was in English.
This Olympiad was an incredibly useful experience for the clinicians. Now, when they return to their legal clinics, they will be able to apply their new skills in real consulting, as well as share their knowledge and experience with their colleagues. This event became, in fact, another format of work in the direction of practical hardening of future lawyers.
Pro Bono Legal Clinic closely cooperates with the Norwegian Refugee Council.
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) helps internally displaced persons and victims of the conflict in eastern Ukraine to defend their rights and overcome legal obstacles. As we are partners, in the framework of such cooperation with the Norwegian Refugee Council in Ukraine (NRC), on November 27, 2019, on the basis of the Faculty of Law, a training for legal clinics on the protection of IDPs and persons affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine was held for students of the Pro Bono Legal Clinic and the Legal Clinic of the Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs named after E.O. Didorenko. Students-consultants of legal clinics, in particular, joined the discussion of such important issues as: freedom of movement, protection of the rights of displaced persons, civil documentation, etc. and had the opportunity to practically apply the acquired knowledge through team problem solving.
Distance course on internal displacement HELP
Student consultants became participants of the Council of Europe project “Internal Displacement in Ukraine: Developing Durable Solutions”. The basic course is devoted to the concept of internally displaced persons (IDPs), the main trends and characteristics of internal displacement, analysis of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement. Clinicians learned about the main international and European standards of internal displacement, as well as the practice of the European Court of Human Rights on issues related to internal displacement and the protection of the rights of internally displaced persons. Particular attention was paid to the protection of social rights of IDPs (housing, education, employment, social protection, food, water, health care) both in the framework of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the European Social Charter, Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement.
The main purpose of the Ukrainian part “Internal Displacement: Legislation and Practice of Ukraine” was to get acquainted with the main provisions of the national legislation related to internal displacement and protection of IDPs’ rights, as well as with the national judicial practice. In the Ukrainian part, attention was also paid to the consideration of the documents of the Council of Europe, which were adopted in relation to the conflict and internal displacement in Ukraine, as well as to the analysis of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights on this issue. After training on this project, the clinicians gained practical skills and knowledge in providing legal assistance to the above-mentioned vulnerable categories of persons (IDPs), deepened their knowledge in this area, studied national and international legislation in this field, and therefore became more qualified consultants, and in the future professional lawyers.