Associate Professor of the Department of Logistics Management and Transport Safety of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University Yevhenii Mykhailov took part in the online presentation “WBL (WORK-BASED LEARNING) E-LEARNING TOOL. Training in the workplace”.
On-line presentation was conducted by the Federation of Employers of Ukraine jointly with the Confederation of Employers of Latvia (LDDK) with the support of USAID.
Speakers of the online presentation:
- Ruslan Illichov, General Director of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine;
- Timoti Madihan, Chief of Party, USAID Economic Support to Ukraine Project;
- Sniezhana Leu-Severynenko, Senior Manager of Labor Capacity Development, USAID Economic Support to Ukraine Project;
- Linards Zvaigzne, WBL project Riga region coordinator;
- Liudmyla Vasyleha, Director of the Center for Competencies and Human Capital Development at the Federation of Employers of Ukraine.

The following issues were discussed during the online presentation:
1. E-learning tool/platform for trainers/mentors.
2. Description, algorithm of use, instructions.
3. Further steps of using this platform.
The use of the platform for e-learning WBL (WORK-BASED LEARNING) E-LEARNING will be useful when implementing dual form of education at the department.