Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Kyiv), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism invites future applicants to take part in the “Feel like a linguist” competition from March 23 to April 23, 2023.
Record a video and send it to us!
Walking through the streets of your town, pay attention to the signs, advertisements, names of shops, cafes, etc. Find a mistake in the name and comment on it by recording a short video (up to 30 seconds).

We are waiting for your videos!
The winners’ works will be posted on the website of the Department of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism by April 30, 2023 at: https://deps.snu.edu.ua/uk/fakultet-gumanitarnih-nauk-psihologiyi-ta-pedagogiki/kafedra-ukrayinskoyi-filologiyi-ta-zhurnalistiki/
Videos should be sent to gluh18@snu.edu.ua with a note in the subject line “Competition”. Attached files should be named as follows (last name and first name, e.g., Kostenko Mariia). The letter should include information about the author of the video (class, school, locality, e.g., student of 11th grade, Poltava Scientific Lyceum №3, Poltava).
The winners will receive electronic certificates and diplomas.
For more information, please call 050-736-85-14