Representatives of the University took part in the International Roundtable “Steps to the Three Seas Initiative in Ukraine”, which was organized by Andrii Smorodin, a member of the Supervisory Board of the University and Chairman of the Association of Transport Infrastructure Innovations of Ukraine.
The event was attended by diplomats, representatives of the Three Seas Initiative member states, the Office of the President of Ukraine, state and local authorities, JSC Ukrzaliznytsia, members of the Ukrainian Parliament, business leaders, scientists, industry and international experts, and businessmen.

The event identified steps to prepare for Ukraine’s full participation in the intergovernmental Three Seas Initiative (3SI) at the next 3SI Summit and Business Forum 2023 in Romania, as well as discussions of priority and innovative projects.
The event was represented by Ruslan Halhash, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Economics and Development, Serhii Kuzmenko, Dean of the Faculty of Transport and Construction, and Andrii Klymash, Head of the Department of Railway, Road Transport and Hoisting and Transport Machines. The discussion was also attended by Maryna Pekerman, representative of Transpele Company LLC, founder and director of the logistics platform (Ukraine-Slovakia-Holland), member of the University Supervisory Board.

The roundtable participants discussed a number of important thematic issues related to the preparation of infrastructure projects, the formation of transnational corridors, and logistics centers within the framework of cooperation between the 3Si countries and Ukraine. Particular attention was paid to the formation of capable partnerships between academic and scientific institutions, business, and public authorities for the effective implementation of the Three Seas Initiative. Currently, there is a need for scientific developments that can be used in the preparation of projects in the fields of infrastructure, energy, digitalization, and security.
This is the second event of the Three Seas Initiative organized with the participation of representatives of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. In order to implement and practically realize the next steps, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and PJSC Lviv Locomotive Repair Plant signed an Agreement to promote the development of the University’s Department of Railway, Road Transport and Hoisting and Transport Machines on the basis of the plant. The mutually beneficial cooperation of the Parties provides for:
– joint implementation of scientific and project works in the field of railway transport;
– training and retraining of personnel with higher and secondary vocational education for the railway industry in accordance with modern requirements for specialists;
– involvement of specialists of PJSC “Lviv Locomotive Repair Plant” in the educational process, work in state certification and examination commissions in specialties of interest to the railway industry of Ukraine;
– training of highly qualified scientific specialists on the basis of postgraduate and doctoral studies on the basis of the University’s license;
– exchange of experience in the development of advanced methods and technologies of education, in approaches to scientific research and directions of such research;
– holding joint seminars and conferences;
– promoting the dissemination of information on joint research, new developments, publications and other materials.

For reference: The Three Seas Initiative (Baltic, Adriatic, Black) is an international economic and infrastructure initiative that brings together 12 European Union countries and Ukraine to create a regional dialogue on various issues affecting the member states. At the seventh summit in Riga on June 20, 2022, Ukraine was granted the status of a 3SI partner.