A regular meeting of representatives of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and Mariupol State University with fundraising specialists was held as part of the project “Strengthening Fundraising Capacity for Displaced Universities”, implemented with the financial support of the Fulbright Program and organizational support of the NGO “Prostir Foundation”.

Professor Ruslana Kuzina, a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University (USA) and a visiting professor at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), shared her experience in fundraising. During the meeting, Ruslana spoke about different models of fundraising used by American and European universities, as well as about different ways of spending the funds raised.

It was noted that fundraising is one of the main sources of funding for universities. Special attention was paid to scholarship programs as one of the main areas for which universities raise funds. The main goal of such programs is to support talented students who will also be involved in supporting their university and its initiatives in the future. In addition, the main tools used by American and European universities when working with their alumni to raise funds were presented.