Olha Zhydkova, who raises funds to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces, conducted a training session on fundraising for faculty members of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. This meeting was held within the framework of the Project “Strengthening the Fundraising Capacity of Displaced Universities”.

The meeting focused on simple but effective methods of communicating with potential donors, drawing the attention of new people to problems that have existed for some time, thanking donors for their contributions and reporting on the funds used. Various examples of communication with potential stakeholders were discussed, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of active and past fundraising campaigns.

The project “Strengthening the Fundraising Capacity of Displaced Universities” is implemented by Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University in cooperation with Mariupol State University with the organizational support of the NGO “Prostir Foundation” within the framework of the Program “Strengthening Displaced Ukrainian Universities for Sustainable Development” implemented by the Fulbright Program in Ukraine and funded by the Press, Education and Culture Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.