Internally displaced persons temporarily residing at the Zoryanyi facility (Kyiv region) received advice on various issues at an event organized by the administration of the children’s institution and the NGO “Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development and Business Ideas” with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Justice for All Program.
Diana Diatchenko, a PhD student at the Department of Practical Psychology and Social Work at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, a practicing child psychologist, and head of the NGO “Dreams, Hopes, Actions,” conducted an art therapy training on psycho-emotional relief with parents and children, during which all participants worked with their emotions and learned to identify the emotions of others. They also talked about feelings and how to control them. The result of the training was the joint work of children and their parents to create a Good Mood Bird. Such classes are extremely important because children and their parents learn to work together and recognize each other’s states and emotions.

Tetiana Lukianiuk, Head of the Student Career Guidance Department at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, shared with the audience information about the terms of admission in 2023 and the work of the University’s Counseling Center, which helps applicants register for testing. Such support can be incredibly useful for future applicants.

Alina Bobylova, a lawyer of the Free Legal Aid system, provided legal advice on the procedure for restoring social and pension payments, receiving applications for pensions and financial assistance, and the procedure for restoring title documents. In addition, she explained the list of persons entitled to receive free primary and secondary legal aid in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Free Legal Aid”. Such consultations are extremely useful for people who are in a vulnerable position and need support in resolving complex legal issues.