Representatives of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University visited Danico LLC in Cherniakhiv, Zhytomyr Oblast, with the support of the USAID Economic Support to Ukraine Project.
Currently, one of the strategic directions of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University is to preserve and develop the scientific potential and dual form of education. Therefore, the purpose of the visit is to create conditions for the development of this form of education, update educational programs, and introduce the practice of joint research. The objectives of the visit are to familiarize students, teachers and researchers of the university with the internal processes of the production enterprise: the management system, the system of remuneration and motivation of employees, the development of production facilities, corporate social responsibility, and innovations. Discussions were held on updating educational programs, issues related to the university’s research commissioned by the company, the possibility of the company joining the dual education experiment, and the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the university and Danico LLC.

The educational tour of the company began with a presentation by its director and co-founder Viktor Ivanytskyi. The leader shared the prerequisites and history of the company’s foundation in a friendly format and spoke about his development path.
“It is possible to compete with European metalworking companies, thanks to Ukraine’s competitive prices. However, other factors such as product quality, compliance with environmental standards, and reliability of supply and service must be taken into account to successfully enter the European market. That is why we spare no expense in modernizing equipment, upgrading staff skills, expanding our product range and developing marketing strategies,” said Viktor Ivanitskyi. Thus, Danico LLC has reached the stage of development and is now able not only to compete but also to cooperate with European partners on mutually beneficial terms, even in times of war.

“The war has caused great damage to our university, destroying its material and technical and laboratory facilities. This has created serious obstacles to education and research. However, we do not lose hope and are looking for opportunities to restore and develop our university. In our opinion, cooperation with modern industrial business will undoubtedly contribute to the restoration and development of the scientific potential of our university by creating educational spaces based on enterprises, where our students, teachers and researchers will be able to conduct research, join production processes, receive up-to-date information on the needs of the labor market and update curricula in accordance with modern requirements. We are confident that such cooperation will contribute to improving the quality of training of our higher education students and the development of dual education at our university,” summarized the visit Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Oleksii Tselishchev.