Soft skills in business

The Soft Skills Development Center under the guidance of Natalia Tkachenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration, Management and Marketing, together with 4th year students majoring in Management, Yuliia Humnienkova and Mark Tkachenko, held a thematic curatorial hour on “Soft Skills in Entrepreneurship” as part of a series of meetings dedicated to familiarizing themselves with the work of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University centers.

Soft skills in business

For students, the path of future entrepreneurial activity can be chosen while studying at university and become a guideline for further self-realization and development. However, it is necessary to think about the skills that are important for entrepreneurship and the opportunities for students to develop them while studying.

Soft skills in business

At the dedicated meeting with students, the portrait of a modern domestic entrepreneur was discussed; soft skills that are important for entrepreneurs; components of personal development in the direction of soft skills formation, such as self-organization, critical thinking, teamwork, goal setting, trust, communication and interaction, assertiveness, creativity, reflection.

Soft skills in business
Soft skills in business

During the meeting, students were provided with recommendations on how to develop soft skills important in entrepreneurship, recommended sources for deepening knowledge, assessing their abilities for entrepreneurship and business.

Soft skills in business
Soft skills in business
Soft skills in business