Students of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University were involved in the DevelopMental project of the Jean Monnet module of the Erasmus+ program

Students majoring in 053 Psychology were involved in the Jean Monnet project DevelopMental of the Erasmus+ program on the topic “Implementation of the European Framework for Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing”.

The participants are students of various educational programs of higher education institutions related to mental health issues from different regions of Ukraine.

The program is team-oriented. Thanks to the work of the coaching team (especially the project coordinator, Doctor of Psychology, Professor Larysa Zasiekina), issues related to myths about mental disorders, characteristics and comparative analysis of mental health systems in Europe and Ukraine were worked out.

Participants presented team projects on the development of public resilience, improving mental health in organizations, planning the development of a smart city to ensure the mental health of its citizens, and psychosocial support for teachers and students in schools. These projects can be successfully implemented with the help of appropriate funds.