A series of meetings within the REDU project “Revitalizing Displaced Universities: Strengthening Competitiveness and Supporting Communities” has been completed. During the last meeting, the participants of Strategic Group No. 3 “Quality of Teaching and Learning. Educational Activities” gathered for a strategic circle of opinion leaders, where key positions in this area were presented.
During the month, the academic staff had the opportunity to review strategic goals and objectives, develop appropriate measures for the goals and objectives, identify executors, and develop indicators. During the meetings, the participants worked on discussion issues related to ensuring quality education in the face of modern challenges and on the strategy for the development of education at the University.

On the eve of each meeting, participants received “homework” to prepare for a deeper dive into the topic. In general, the purpose of the strategic session was to develop recommendations for the current strategy of the University in the area of “Quality of Teaching and Learning. Educational Activities”. The goal was achieved, the tasks were fulfilled.