Development of the University’s Internationalization Strategy has been completed

Meetings were held of the strategic group that considered internationalization issues within the framework of the EU Project “Revitalizing Displaced Universities: Strengthening Competitiveness, Supporting Communities” (REDU).

The group consisted of deans, teachers, and staff from various faculties and departments of the university. As part of the REDU project, 5 meetings of the strategic group were held. During the meetings, the general strategy of the university was considered in terms of the availability of goals and objectives for internationalization and their relevance to the current conditions of the functioning of the twice displaced higher education institution.

Development of the University's Internationalization Strategy has been completed
Development of the University's Internationalization Strategy has been completed

The meetings and the work of the Strategic Group on Internationalization resulted in the completion of the development of the Internationalization Strategy of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and the provision of relevant recommendations for adjusting the overall strategy of the university.

Development of the University's Internationalization Strategy has been completed
Development of the University's Internationalization Strategy has been completed

The main directions of the Internationalization Strategy are: Education, Science, Values and Partnership. For each area, the relevant goals and objectives were defined, as well as key indicators and key executors and support groups.

Development of the University's Internationalization Strategy has been completed
Development of the University's Internationalization Strategy has been completed