Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University scientist completed an internship in the Czech Republic

Inna Semenenko, Head of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, completed an internship in the Czech Republic at Mendele University.

Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University scientist completed an internship in the Czech Republic

The internship took place for two months within the framework of the Czech-Ukrainian project Transnational Academic Knowledge-Sharing (TAK) at Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. Inna Semenenko’s participation was made possible by her membership in the All-Ukrainian public organization Professional Network of Researchers and Managers of Higher Education in Ukraine (PNRM), which is one of the partners of the TAK project.

Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University scientist completed an internship in the Czech Republic

The all-Ukrainian public organization “Professional Network of Researchers and Managers of Higher Education in Ukraine” (PNRM) brings together heads or managers of higher education institutions from different regions of Ukraine and aims to implement innovative approaches to the development of education, science and technology in Ukraine.

Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University scientist completed an internship in the Czech Republic

Under the TAK program, 15 representatives of higher education institutions from different parts of Ukraine completed an internship in the Czech Republic. The program took place first in a remote format and then directly at the Mendel University in Brno.