The traditional Dedication of the first-year students of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University took place
The first traditional Dedication of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University freshmen took place in the last three years. The event was held on International Students’ Day.
A mini-movie was made from the Harry Potter-style video business cards prepared by the freshmen in advance (link). All the faculties tried to adhere to the style and not to mention their names in the video – this was one of the conditions.
The celebration itself consisted of a thematic quest. The tasks were aimed at learning about the history of our university, as well as at building camaraderie among the participants. The head of the student council, Natallia Panina, designed the quest in such a way that students from different faculties interacted together. Because the student life they are entering will require them to interact and support each other.
Rector Olha Porkuian personally congratulated the newcomers, emphasizing the importance of their choice and the opportunities they will have while studying at our university.

The celebration ended with an important attribute of the dedication – a traditional cake with the University logo.