The work on the Development Strategy of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University continued

Focus groups were held to discuss the Development Strategy of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University within the framework of the EU Project “Revitalizing Displaced Universities: Strengthening Competitiveness and Supporting Communities” (REDU), funded by the European Union.

The process of strategizing at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University took some time, as it required taking into account many factors and changed external conditions. The basis of the updated strategy of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University was laid by the results of the work of several strategic groups in different areas, which took place in 2023 within the framework of the EU Project “Revitalizing Displaced Universities: Strengthening Competitiveness and Supporting Communities” (REDU), funded by the European Union. All the achievements in the areas of governance, education, science, internationalization, cooperation with communities, student self-government, and staff were taken into account when preparing the draft of the updated Development Strategy of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University: Recovery for the Future (2024-2027).

In February-March, 5 focus groups were held to discuss the tasks of updating the strategy, values of the university community, vision, mission and strategic directions, tasks, activities, indicators and executors. These focus groups were held with the participation of academic staff, management and administrative staff, students, external stakeholders – representatives of government and local authorities, NGOs, international organizations, other partner organizations, and business representatives.

One of the key aspects was the discussion of the positioning of the higher education institution not only at the regional but also at the national level, as the university is actively involved in cooperation with communities in different regions, recovery processes, training of relevant personnel and conducting relevant research.

Comments on the Strategy will be accepted until March 15.

The EU project “Revitalizing Displaced Universities: Strengthening Competitiveness and Supporting Communities” (REDU) is funded by the European Union