Focus group on 3D concepts for fashion education in Ukraine

Halyna Ripka, Head of the Department of Light Industry Technologies, took part in a focus group created within the framework of the project “3D CONCEPTS FOR FASHION EDUCATION IN UKRAINE – 3D4U, 101128856” / “3D Concepts for Fashion Education in Ukraine”, funded by EACEA – Erasmus+, EU Solidarity Corps – Building International Capacity.

The following issues were discussed at the meeting:

  1. Participation in joint initiatives between the university/research center and companies
  2. Type of cooperation established
  3. Types of services to be provided by the new 3D4U hubs
  4. Professional development for technology transfer and innovation in the clothing, textile, leather, footwear and fashion industries

3D CONCEPTS FOR FASHION EDUCATION IN UKRAINE – 3D4U, 101128856 is a project of transnational cooperation between higher education institutions (HEIs) from the Program member and partner countries through structured cooperation, exchange of experience, best practices and individual mobility.