Making a contribution to the Victory through cultural diplomacy!

Olena Hniedkova, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, at the invitation of Professor Brandon Stowe, a partner in the international COIL project, held a Q and A session on “Intercultural Communication: Ukraine-America” for students of Front Range Community College of Westminster.

Students were interested in many questions about Ukraine, which they asked beforehand and continued to articulate during the meeting. Thus, Olena Hniedkova told them about the mentality and character of Ukrainians, about our language, customs and traditions, about the heroic struggle and unbreakable spirit of the Ukrainian people in countering Russia’s armed aggression, introduced them to Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and told them about the repeated relocation due to the war, about the education of our students under the threat of missile attacks and blackouts, about the importance of American assistance to Ukraine as a guarantor of democratic values and freedoms, and much more. At the end of the meeting, the students expressed their sincere support for Ukraine and their Ukrainian peers who continue to study in their homeland despite all the difficulties, and admitted that this meeting helped them better understand Ukrainians and the importance of our fight against the aggressor.