Research of the political field of Ukraine

Olena Karchevska, Associate Professor of the Department of Political and Cultural Studies at the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, took part in a scientific event organized by the I.F. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Association of Political Sciences of Ukraine.

Experts discussed the results of the study “Adaptive Changes in the Political Field of Ukraine in the Context of War”. The experts grouped the problematic issues into three blocks:

– Institutional changes in the political system of Ukraine in wartime.

– Interaction between the government and society in wartime.

– Integration of Ukraine’s political field into the global space.

Academic science and the specialists who create it prove that Ukrainian political science is a powerful analytical tool that helps state institutions identify their dysfunctions and offers ways to stabilize the democratic potential of the state in times of war.