Head of postgraduate and doctoral studies
Liubymova-Zinchenko Olha Valentynivna
+ 38050(949-49-77)
Postgraduate and doctoral studies are forms of training of scientific-pedagogical and scientific personnel of higher qualification. Postgraduate and doctoral studies are opened at higher educational institutions of the third and fourth levels of accreditation, which have highly qualified scientific and pedagogical and scientific personnel, modern research, experimental and material base. Postgraduate studies are opened with interruption of production (full-time) and without interruption of production (part-time), and doctoral studies – only with interruption of production (full-time).
- Витяг з протоколу засідання вченої ради Інституту
- Витяг з протоколу засідання кафедри
- Витяг з протоколу засідання наукового семінару
- Звіт про виконання наукової роботи
- Індивідуальний навчальний план роботи аспіранта
- Індивідуальний науковий план роботи аспіранта
- Картка звітування аспіранта
- Форма витягу з протоколу засідання міжкаф.семінару
Scholarships for postgraduate students of the University are awarded in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 28, 2016 № 1050 “Some issues of scholarship support”
The academic scholarship for postgraduate students studying full-time (on-the-job) is set at the rate of 90 percent*** of the relevant official salary determined according to the salary scheme (taking into account subsequent changes in remuneration for the relevant positions), namely: for postgraduate students – 90 percent of the official salary of the teacher.
To establish a scholarship for first-year postgraduate students, it is necessary to submit to the Department of Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies
– employment record book;
– copy of passport
– certificate of identification code.
The scholarship for postgraduate students is established from the day of enrollment, but not earlier than the next day after dismissal from the main place of work.
The employment record books of postgraduate students who study on the job are kept in the Department of Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies for the entire period of study. A copy of the employment record book, if necessary, is issued upon request.
Information on educational and methodological and information support of educational activities in the field of higher education for the preparation of doctors of philosophy at the third (educational and scientific) level in the specialties at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
INFORMATION on educational and methodological support of educational activities in the field of higher education – Annex 5 to the Licensing Terms (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1187 of 30.12.2015)
INFORMATION on information support of educational activities in the field of higher education – Annex 6 to the Licensing Terms (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1187 of 30.12.2015)
011 Education sciences |
032 History and Archeology |
033 Philosophy |
034 Cultural studies |
051 Economics |
052 Political sciences |
053 Psychology |
054 Sociology |
073 Management |
081 Law |
102 Chemistry |
122 Computer science and information technology |
125 Cybersecurity |
131 Applied mechanics |
151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies |
152 Metrology and information-measuring equipment |
161 Chemical technologies and engineering |
273 Railway transport |
275 Transport technologies (by type) |
Розклад занять для аспірантів дивіться за посиланням.
- Exam program in a foreign language
- Exam program 081 Law
- Exam program 073 Management
- Exam program 034 Cultural Studies
- Exam program 122 Computer Science Exam program
- Exam program 052 Political Science
- Exam program 053 Psychology
- Exam program 051 Economics
- Exam program 032 History
- Exam program 131 Applied Mechanics
- Exam program 011 Educational, pedagogical science
- Exam program 192 Construction and Civil Engineering
2022 рік
- Наказ на зарахування №8а від 14/02/2022
- Наказ на зарахування №25а від 25/08/2022
- Наказ на зарахування №27а від 31/08/2022
- Наказ на зарахування №29а від 31/08/2022
- Наказ на зарахування №30а від 31/08/2022
- Наказ на зарахування №31а від 31/08/2022
2021 рік
- Наказ на зарахування від 15/03/2021
- Наказ на зарахування від 27/09/2021
- Наказ на зарахування від 27/09/2021 (2)
- Наказ на зарахування від 28/09/2021
- Наказ на зарахування від 28/09/2021 (2)
2020 рік
- Наказ на зарахування від 05/03/2020
- Наказ на зарахування від 14/09/2020
- Наказ на зарахування від 14/09/2020 (2)
- Наказ на зарахування від 30/09/2020
- Наказ на зарахування від 30/09/2020 (2)
- Наказ на зарахування від 30/09/2020 (3)