Denys Petrenko. Student, volunteer, military man

Denys Petrenko is one of the students of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University who took an academic leave of absence because he decided that his experience is needed at the war.

He was studying Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy, and the university community and the whole of Ukraine learned about him only after a video was posted on the Internet showing him as a volunteer of the Red Cross of Ukraine, a first aid instructor, and a member of the Rapid Response Unit covering an injured woman during the shelling in the center of Kharkiv. At the risk of his life, Denys did not leave the woman alone.

Denys recorded a video in which he said that he is currently serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and started volunteering in 2015, after graduating from medical college with a degree in paramedic. At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he left Luhansk region for his native Kharkiv region and took up the position of regional coordinator on mine risk, where he was a coordinator of trainings and information sessions on mine handling. He was also a first aid instructor.

Now Denys has taken a sabbatical and is doing his military service in the medical service of the International Legion. His work involves medical evacuation or helping the wounded on the battlefield…

“So now the main task is to help rescue wounded soldiers. However, I think we will finish soon, as they say, we will win. I hope to return to studying again,” says Denys.