Today, the Law Faculty hosted the first meeting of the COIL project ” Sexual and gender-based violence during conflict: understanding those crimes and how gender biases negatively impact their investigation and prosecution”, implemented by the Hague University of Applied Sciences and Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, with the participation of Christine Tremblay, professor at the University of The Hague, and professors of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University professors Liubov Kotova, Halyna Tatarenko, and Olena Arsentieva. The project envisages joint work of students and professors of both educational institutions in the field of understanding human rights and their protection during the armed conflict, gender bias and stigmatization of gender-based violence during the conflict, etc. The project will last for three months and includes a variety of activities – guest lectures, mentor meetings, group assignments, etc.