The series of university-wide curatorial hours continued with a linguistic quest quest “Language is a Treasure Trove of Culture” by Natalia Tokar and Anna Halenko, professors of the Department of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.

The event is aimed at studying, enriching and multiplying the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people through language learning. During the quest, students of all courses and specialties competed in an interactive thematic online quiz on the platform of the digital learning tool Kahoot and demonstrated their knowledge of the basic concepts of culture embodied in words and enriched their speech!
The winners of the Kahoot quest were:
1st place – Oleksii Andrieiev, student of the group PR-212d (Law Faculty);
2nd place – Natalia Panina, student of the group MBG-20dc (Faculty of Transport and Construction);
3rd place – Nataliia Khvorost, student of group SOUM-22d (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences).

The winners will receive additional credit points to their final grade in the Ukrainian for Specific Purposes course and a diploma.
The event was initiated by the Student Council of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and Tetiana Sotnikova, who is responsible for working with students.